Wednesday, 17 July 2013


Cartoons characters singing songs of the favourite artists of the day are normal staples of the music world and The Beatles have their share of that. Some works while some doesn't. Songs like this are much rather like the cartoon characters that sang them. A song or two or an episodes of two can be very enjoyable but an hour of more of them can be quite taxing. Here are a few examples that I have.

BUGS & FRIENDS SING THE BEATLES : THE FURRY FOUR SING THEIR FAB FOUR FAVOURITES! A PARODY : I first got a sample of this Cd from the song 'Hello, Goodbye' sung by Bugs & Daffy. It was so daft and so different from the countless Beatles versions that I have heard. That lead me looking for this Cd and when I found it, I grabbed it immediately. To get your little ones to be interested in The Beatles, I can think of no better way. But while it may work for the little ones, for an adults going a whole album of cartoonish of Beatles tunes may be a tab too much to take. Some of it may work and actually tickle your funny bones while hearing them for the first time but repeated listening is akin to watching the same cartoons again and again.The fun meter is lowered. Overall most of the songs are okay if taken at small dose and the ones that I highly recommended are 'She Loves You', The Fool On The Hill', Birthday' and 'Hello, Goodbye' of course. There is just too much drama in 'Yesterday' in which Daffy Duck was distracted again and again during recording. 'The Long And Winding' is rather an instrumental more than a vocal songs with the Road Runner character beeping his way through the appropriate part. Ultimately one for the kids and the kid in us The Cd sleeve is something else too. It have a daft story about The Furry Four along the line of The Beatles with various pictures of The Furry Four in famous poses of The Beatles.By the way, this album does not come cheap. DOP : 27th April 1997.

SNOOPY'S BEATLES Surprise, surprise, I actually adore this Cd of Beatles music, children style. The first track 'Do You Want To Know A Secret' started off with an argument between two character and then started with what must be the sweetest tune of the Cd. The toy instrumentals are really so fresh and cute. The other songs with vocals are ' She Loves You', 'Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds' and 'Yellow Submarine.'  The children's voices are so well suited to the songs that you'll be forgiven if you thought they were actually sung by angels. The 'Yellow Submarine' version here just could be the one to beat the Ringo's version. The rests are instrumentals as could be played by children, but don't you believe it. These instrumentals, thought childish are profound professionals who played so beautifully. Honestly, 'Yesterday', 'Blackbird', 'When I'm Sixty Four,' not to mentioned 'Here Comes The Sun', 'Help!' and 'A Hard Day's Night' never sounded so fresh and appealing. Special mention must be given to 'When I'm Sixty Four,' and 'Here Comes The Sun.'I never thought that songs already sweet can be made so much sweeter. The only complain about this Cd is that it is way too short with only a miserable ten songs.  DOP : 19th January 2003..


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